A kernel is a function that for all
is a mapping from
to an (inner product)
feature space
The following functions take two array-like objects t (M, P) and
x (N, P) and compute the (M, N) matrix
with entries
Base class for kernels.
Linear kernel, t_i’ x_j.
Polynomial kernel, (gamma t_i’ x_j + b)^d.
Gaussian kernel, exp(-||t_i - x_j||^2 / 2 * sigma^2).
Exponential kernel, exp(-||t_i - x_j|| / 2 * sigma^2).
Sigmoid kernel, tanh(gamma t_i’ x_j + b).
Linear kernel, t_i’ x_j.
Polynomial kernel, (gamma t_i’ x_j + b)^d.
Gaussian kernel, exp(-||t_i - x_j||^2 / 2 * sigma^2).
Exponential kernel, exp(-||t_i - x_j|| / 2 * sigma^2).
Sigmoid kernel, tanh(gamma t_i’ x_j + b).
>>> import mlpy
>>> x = [[5, 1, 3, 1], [7, 1, 11, 4], [0, 4, 2, 9]] # three training points
>>> K = mlpy.kernel_gaussian(x, x, sigma=10) # compute the kernel matrix K_ij = k(x_i, x_j)
>>> K
array([[ 1. , 0.68045064, 0.60957091],
[ 0.68045064, 1. , 0.44043165],
[ 0.60957091, 0.44043165, 1. ]])
>>> t = [[8, 1, 5, 1], [7, 1, 11, 4]] # two test points
>>> Kt = mlpy.kernel_gaussian(t, x, sigma=10) # compute the test kernel matrix Kt_ij = <Phi(t_i), Phi(x_j)> = k(t_i, x_j)
>>> Kt
array([[ 0.93706746, 0.7945336 , 0.48190899],
[ 0.68045064, 1. , 0.44043165]])
The centered kernel matrix is computed
We can express in terms of
where is the
matrix with all
entries equal to
Centers the testing kernel matrix Kt respect the training kernel matrix K. If Kt = K (kernel_center(K, K), where K = k(x_i, x_j)), the function centers the kernel matrix K.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
>>> Kcentered = mlpy.kernel_center(K, K) # center K
>>> Kcentered
array([[ 0.19119746, -0.07197215, -0.11922531],
[-0.07197215, 0.30395696, -0.23198481],
[-0.11922531, -0.23198481, 0.35121011]])
>>> Ktcentered = mlpy.kernel_center(Kt, K) # center the test kernel matrix Kt respect to K
>>> Ktcentered
array([[ 0.15376875, 0.06761464, -0.22138339],
[-0.07197215, 0.30395696, -0.23198481]])
[Scolkopf98] | Bernhard Scholkopf, Alexander Smola, and Klaus-Robert Muller. Nonlinear component analysis as a kernel eigenvalue problem. Neural Computation, 10(5):1299–1319, July 1998. |