mlpy.wavelet - Wavelet Transform


mlpy.wavelet.pad(x, method='reflection')

Pad to bring the total length N up to the next-higher power of two.

Parameters :
x : 1d array_like object


method : string (‘reflection’, ‘periodic’, ‘zeros’)


Returns :
xp, orig : 1d numpy array, 1d numpy array bool

padded version of x and a boolean array with value True where xp contains the original data

Discrete Wavelet Transform

Discrete Wavelet Transform based on the GSL DWT [Gsldwt].

For the forward transform, the output is the discrete wavelet transform f_i \rightarrow w_{j,k} in a packed triangular storage layout, where j is the index of the level j = 0 \dots J-1 and k is the index of the coefficient within each level, k = 0 \dots (2^j)-1. The total number of levels is J = \log_2(n). The output data has the following form,

(s_{-1,0}, d_{0,0}, d_{1,0}, d_{1,1}, d_{2,0}, \dots, d_{j,k}, ..., d_{J-1,2^{J-1}-1})

where the first element is the smoothing coefficient s_{-1,0}, followed by the detail coefficients d_{j,k} for each level j. The backward transform inverts these coefficients to obtain the original data.


from GSL online manual (

mlpy.wavelet.dwt(x, wf, k, centered=False)

Discrete Wavelet Tranform

Parameters :
x : 1d array_like object (the length is restricted to powers of two)


wf : string (‘d’: daubechies, ‘h’: haar, ‘b’: bspline)

wavelet family

k : integer

member of the wavelet family

  • daubechies : k = 4, 6, ..., 20 with k even
  • haar : the only valid choice of k is k = 2
  • bspline : k = 103, 105, 202, 204, 206, 208, 301, 303, 305 307, 309
centered : bool

align the coefficients of the various sub-bands on edges. Thus the resulting visualization of the coefficients of the wavelet transform in the phase plane is easier to understand.

Returns :
X : 1d numpy array

discrete wavelet transformed data


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mlpy.wavelet as wave
>>> x = np.array([1,2,3,4,3,2,1,0])
>>> wave.dwt(x=x, wf='d', k=6)
array([ 5.65685425,  3.41458985,  0.29185347, -0.29185347, -0.28310081,
       -0.07045258,  0.28310081,  0.07045258])
mlpy.wavelet.idwt(X, wf, k, centered=False)

Inverse Discrete Wavelet Tranform

Parameters :
X : 1d array_like object

discrete wavelet transformed data

wf : string (‘d’: daubechies, ‘h’: haar, ‘b’: bspline)

wavelet type

k : integer

member of the wavelet family

  • daubechies : k = 4, 6, ..., 20 with k even
  • haar : the only valid choice of k is k = 2
  • bspline : k = 103, 105, 202, 204, 206, 208, 301, 303, 305 307, 309
centered : bool

if the coefficients are aligned

Returns :
x : 1d numpy array



>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mlpy.wavelet as wave
>>> X = np.array([ 5.65685425,  3.41458985,  0.29185347, -0.29185347, -0.28310081,
...               -0.07045258,  0.28310081,  0.07045258])
>>> wave.idwt(X=X, wf='d', k=6)
array([  1.00000000e+00,   2.00000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,
         4.00000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,   2.00000000e+00,
         1.00000000e+00,  -3.53954610e-09])

Undecimated Wavelet Transform

Undecimated Wavelet Transform (also known as stationary wavelet transform, redundant wavelet transform, translation invariant wavelet transform, shift invariant wavelet transform or Maximal overlap wavelet transform) based on the “wavelets” R package.

mlpy.wavelet.uwt(x, wf, k, levels=0)

Undecimated Wavelet Tranform

Parameters :
x : 1d array_like object (the length is restricted to powers of two)


wf : string (‘d’: daubechies, ‘h’: haar, ‘b’: bspline)

wavelet family

k : int

member of the wavelet family

  • daubechies: k = 4, 6, ..., 20 with k even
  • haar: the only valid choice of k is k = 2
  • bspline: k = 103, 105, 202, 204, 206, 208, 301, 303, 305 307, 309
levels : int

level of the decomposition (J). If levels = 0 this is the value J such that the length of X is at least as great as the length of the level J wavelet filter, but less than the length of the level J+1 wavelet filter. Thus, j <= log_2((n-1)/(l-1)+1), where n is the length of x

Returns :
X : 2d numpy array (2J * len(x))

misaligned scaling and wavelet coefficients:

[[wavelet coefficients W_1]
 [wavelet coefficients W_2]
 [wavelet coefficients W_J]
 [scaling coefficients V_1]
 [scaling coefficients V_2]
 [scaling coefficients V_J]]
mlpy.wavelet.iuwt(X, wf, k)

Inverse Undecimated Wavelet Tranform

Parameters :
X : 2d array_like object (the length is restricted to powers of two)

misaligned scaling and wavelet coefficients

wf : string (‘d’: daubechies, ‘h’: haar, ‘b’: bspline)

wavelet family

k : int

member of the wavelet family

  • daubechies: k = 4, 6, ..., 20 with k even
  • haar: the only valid choice of k is k = 2
  • bspline: k = 103, 105, 202, 204, 206, 208, 301, 303, 305 307, 309
Returns :
x : 1d numpy array


mlpy.wavelet.uwt_align_h2(X, inverse=False)

UWT h2 coefficients aligment.

If inverse = True performs the misalignment for a correct reconstruction.

mlpy.wavelet.uwt_align_d4(X, inverse=False)

UWT d4 coefficients aligment.

If inverse = True performs the misalignment for a correct reconstruction.

Continuous Wavelet Transform

Continuous Wavelet Transform based on [Torrence98].

mlpy.wavelet.cwt(x, dt, scales, wf='dog', p=2)

Continuous Wavelet Tranform.

Parameters :
x : 1d array_like object


dt : float

time step

scales : 1d array_like object


wf : string (‘morlet’, ‘paul’, ‘dog’)

wavelet function

p : float

wavelet function parameter (‘omega0’ for morlet, ‘m’ for paul and dog)

Returns :
X : 2d numpy array

transformed data

mlpy.wavelet.icwt(X, dt, scales, wf='dog', p=2)

Inverse Continuous Wavelet Tranform. The reconstruction factor is not applied.

Parameters :
X : 2d array_like object

transformed data

dt : float

time step

scales : 1d array_like object


wf : string (‘morlet’, ‘paul’, ‘dog’)

wavelet function

p : float

wavelet function parameter

Returns :
x : 1d numpy array


mlpy.wavelet.autoscales(N, dt, dj, wf, p)

Compute scales as fractional power of two.

Parameters :
N : integer

number of data samples

dt : float

time step

dj : float

scale resolution (smaller values of dj give finer resolution)

wf : string

wavelet function (‘morlet’, ‘paul’, ‘dog’)

p : float

omega0 (‘morlet’) or order (‘paul’, ‘dog’)

Returns :
scales : 1d numpy array


mlpy.wavelet.fourier_from_scales(scales, wf, p)

Compute the equivalent fourier period from scales.

Parameters :
scales : list or 1d numpy array


wf : string (‘morlet’, ‘paul’, ‘dog’)

wavelet function

p : float

wavelet function parameter (‘omega0’ for morlet, ‘m’ for paul and dog)

Returns :

fourier wavelengths

mlpy.wavelet.scales_from_fourier(f, wf, p)

Compute scales from fourier period.

Parameters :
f : list or 1d numpy array

fourier wavelengths

wf : string (‘morlet’, ‘paul’, ‘dog’)

wavelet function

p : float

wavelet function parameter (‘omega0’ for morlet, ‘m’ for paul and dog)

Returns :


[Torrence98]C Torrence and G P Compo. Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis
[Gsldwt]Gnu Scientific Library,

Example (requires matplotlib)

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import mlpy.wavelet as wave
>>> x = np.random.sample(512)
>>> scales = wave.autoscales(N=x.shape[0], dt=1, dj=0.25, wf='dog', p=2)
>>> X = wave.cwt(x=x, dt=1, scales=scales, wf='dog', p=2)
>>> fig = plt.figure(1)
>>> ax1 = plt.subplot(2,1,1)
>>> p1 = ax1.plot(x)
>>> ax1.autoscale_view(tight=True)
>>> ax2 = plt.subplot(2,1,2)
>>> p2 = ax2.imshow(np.abs(X), interpolation='nearest')

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