Short Guide to Centering and ScalingΒΆ


1d array
>>> x - np.mean(x)
2d array along rows
>>> x - np.mean(x, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
2d array along cols
>>> x - np.mean(x, axis=0)

Unit length scaling (normalization). Elements are scaled to have and unit length (\sum_{i=1}^n {x_{i}^2} = 1):

1d array
>>> x / np.sqrt(np.sum((x)**2))
2d array along rows
>>> x / np.sqrt(np.sum((x)**2, axis=1)).reshape(-1, 1)
2d array along cols
>>> x / np.sqrt(np.sum((x)**2, axis=0))

Standardization. Elements are scaled to have unit standard deviation. The standard deviation is computed using n-1 instead of n (Bessel’s correction).

1d array
>>> x / np.std(x, ddof=1) # ddof=1: Bessel's correction
2d array along rows
>>> x / np.std(x, axis=1, ddof=1).reshape(-1, 1)
2d array along cols
>>> x / np.std(x, axis=0, ddof=1)

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